Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Medellin Walking-Metro-Cable-Walking Tour

After a lovey brekkie at the hotel. 61 Prado, I was out on the streets of Medellin, first stop the Jardin Botanical.  Medellin sits in a long, narrow valley that runs North to South, more or less.  I figured I couldn't get too lost.  Threading through mostly quiet neighborhoods, I kept the Metro ln sight off to the West.  There were a few blocks that would suddenly turn really sketchy and then be fine again.  As I said, this is a good town to mind your surroundings.

I found the Jardin, but chose poorly and had to circle the entire thing to find the entrance, which turned out to be the back entrance.  Hard to find becasue the Jardin was closed for another 25 minutes.

Once inside, it was all about bird watching.  The effort was minimal and the rewards were great.  The hit of the show was seeing more than a few Vermillion Flycatchers up close.  This is a heavy hitter bird for us folks from the Northern climes.  No pictures of course, not with my dinky little auto camera, but the Jardin folks kindly posted some placards which I took photos of. Cheating, I know.  

A few of the males put on quite the show for me!!!

Truly, the flycatcher was breathtaking.   Its colours are a stunning black and red-orange and when it ruffles its wing feathers, there are more flashes of this almost neon colour.  Spectacular.  This is also a clear sign that I am becoming a true geezer, waxing poetic about spotting birds.  I guess my Bad Boy days are over and done with.  Stick a fork in me and wheel me to the old folks home, I'm done.

Yuppers, saw this one.


OK, The Saffron Finch was a close second to the Flycatcher

Exhausting my bird watching skills, I left the Jardin and had my first go at a Metro in South America.  How hard could it be, right?

First step, find the Metro Estacion.  Step Two, figure out the ticketing system.  In Medellin there is a real ticket booth with real people.  Easy-Peasey.  Nest stop, the Metro Cable to Avril Park!!

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