Friday, December 5, 2014

Bringing Happiness

To quote Oscar WIlde:  "Some bring happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go."  Thus it is with travelers as well.  There are times when I meet fellow travelers and they bring joy to my trip, making my journey better for their company, however brief.  There are a few travelers that I have met who have become very important people in my life.  You know who you are.  

Then there are the "ass-hats" to quote a wise man I know.  Not Oscar Wilde, another wise man.

This morning I had great happiness brought into my life when I saw a group of people getting into a taxi out in front of the hostel here in Quito.  I was just returning from brekkie down the street, climbing the hill back to the hostel.  In the group was someone I hope I never have the displeasure to run across anywhere in the world ever again.

I suppose some of this could be chalked up to my entering into geezerhood.  I admit that my tolerance level  for noisy, obnoxious, unaware fucktards is shrinking as time passes.  That taken into account, this person reminded me of the pitfalls of staying in hostels frequented by young backpakers versus places where no English is spoken and Loney Planet does not know of establishment's existence.

First of all, no matter how many times you say "Bra" when referring to a male person rather than a feminine undergarment, you will not turn your pasty white ass into a Rastafarian of a Gangsta.  Especially when you are not a natives speaker of English.  Secondly, no matter how important you think your conversation is, shouting it so the whole courtyard reverberates with your inanities does not make your point any clearer.  This is especially true when you have no point.  Can you hear me, Bra?  

If I do meet this person again and he stands outside my door shouting into his cel phone with the speaker on so I can here the other end of the conversation as well, I am clubbing him with my Bate' de Pero Pequeno.  No warning, no nothing, just a hard and constant drubbing until the only noise I have to listen to is his death rattle.  Oh, and by the way Bra, referring to women as "Mad Bitches" is really low class.  Not that you would have the faintest clue what class is.  

So there it is, my intolerant rant for today.  I don't wish to paint all young backpackers with a broad brush.  My  experiences with most of my fellow travelers is by and large overwhelmeingly positive.  They bring happiness wherever they go.  I guess they have had their ass-hat vaccinations.  Too bad I did not have a hypodermic full of the stuff when I needed it.  

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