Sunday, November 23, 2014

Para Ascender

Up early, that was the plan.  Up Early and then up the mountain to Tres Cruces, the Threee Crosses that sit atop the small mountain or very very big hill to the West of Cali and directly behind the hostel Iguana.  Well, one thing led to another and what with the good company in the garden it got sort of late-ish before my head hit the pillow.  So, not the earliest of starts.  And checkout time is 11:30, hence I became a man on a mission.  No brekkie (this would manifest itself) a few coffees and off I went.  A few twists and I found the trail, mostly because it seems to be a Sunday ritual for the Cali folk to climb to Tres Cruces.

The Calianos in their bright workout gear made route finding a snap.

So, the day was warming quickly and the trail, well, it was basically straight up.  I don't think the Colombians have really grasped the idea of a switchback.

Ah, a bright sunny morning and getting brighter by the minute.  Maybe a slightly earlier start?

Cali is down there in the valley, steaming away already.

The radio and cellular antennae do detract a bit from the majesty oif the Three Crosses.  But the little Colombian ants marching up the hill are sort of cute, yes?

Climbing, climbing, climbing.  I could feel my blood sugar dropping because guess who skipped even a bite before heading out?  Yes, the silly Gringo.  At least I had plenty of water.

At the top.  Didn't die.  

Queueing up for Juice with all of the other Colombians

Gringo Camarone Loco.  Give me the fruit sugars and no one gets hurt.

So, Cali, the hill, a rock, you get the idea.  I bounded down a lot more quickly than I had trudged up and was back at the hostel in time for a shower, some more coffee, and the last bit of packing.

Adios to Iguana and off I went in a metered taxi, heading for the bus terminal and hence Popayan, where I am now.  All went well, but there is more to tell.  Ciao for now.  

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